Rwanda (University of Rwanda) ACEESD, ACEIoT, Coventry University organize Summer School on Smart Local Energy Systems

ACEESD, ACEIoT, Coventry University have organized a three-day summer school for postgraduate Masters and PhD students, and early career researchers where they got the opportunity to learn from leading researchers in IoT and Energy. The summer school took place from 27th through 29th June 2022.
The main objective of the summer school was to provide participants with the necessary understanding of the development of sensing systems from concept to deployment, with a particular focus on Contiki, that can aid the design of Smart energy systems.
During this period, participants understood the latest results, trends, activities and applications in IoT and WSN, gained insights on designing wireless intelligent systems in the energy setting, became familiar with Contiki basics, key features and compile a simple application among other skills.
Geofrey Twesigye, a Master student at African Centre of Excellence in Internet of Things (ACEIoT) who attended the school noted that he got additional skills especially in Contiki operating systems which is the one for networked, memory-constrained systems with a focus on low-power wireless Internet of Things devices.
With support of Coventry Professors, participants had Insights and practical hands-on tutorials on debugging and relevant applications for IoT, including the process and challenges of going from system concept through to real-life IoT deployment.
At least 40 participants attended this school (physically and online)