University of Zilina (Slovakia) We invite you to open day

University of Zilina (Slovakia) Why to study at UNIZA

University of Zilina (Slovakia) Welcome to the university of žilina, modern and open university with rich tradition
At present, about 8,000 students are being educated at seven faculties in 172 accredited fields of study in all forms and degrees of university studie

University of Trnava (Slovakia) Too bad humans didn’t learn from birds. they fight for territory, but not kill each other
1 April is mainly associated with the so-called A day of fools when we can joke about our loved ones or acquaintances. This European tradition

University of Trnava (Slovakia) Health in man is like salt, which gives taste to food
The Scientific Board of the University of Trnava in Trnava discussed and approved the proposal of the Rector of the University of Trnava in Tr

University of Trnava (Slovakia) Announcement of the election of a candidate for the post of rector of the university of trnava in trnava
The Academic Senate of the University of Trnava in Trnava, under § 10 (5) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and Amendments and Additions

Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) Awarding of an honorary doctorate to a personality from the faculty of civil engineering
On 24th June 2022, the University of Miskolc held a graduation ceremony for its graduates. As part of the ceremony, the honor

Slovakia (Technical University of Kosice) Sas awarded top foreign scientists with the international prize
On 20th September 2022, world-renowned scientists engineer Prof. YangQuan Chen and neuroscientist Prof. Michel Salzet received the Intern

Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) European student assembly 2023
Dear students,
The Read More »

Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia) The third call of the saspro 2 program announced
The Slovak researchers working abroad are considering returning to their homeland, and those from abroad who want to do science in Slovakia ha

Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia) Announcement – study of the slovak language
Due to an unpleasant experience, the Institute of the Lifelong Learning Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (ICV STU) has decided not to coo

Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia) Carlis: spring school for phd students
Carlis: SPRING SCHOOL FOR Ph.D. STUDENTS When: March 27-31, 2022 Where: Piešť

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) Invest: winter school with the topic: post code – potential of sustainable tourism in community development
21st of November, the on-site phase of Winter school with the topic: „POST CODE – POtential of Sustainable Tourism in COmmunity DEvelopment“ organ

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) An international scientific conference, the third joint eu cohesion policy conference
On November 14-16, 2022, an international scientific conference, the Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference, was held in Zagreb under the

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) The awarding ceremony of invest winter school
On Monday, 28th of November, the awarding ceremony of INVEST Winter school took place at the SuPerUni CoWORK center of SUA. The

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (Slovakia) Dean Daniel Pella and Vice-Dean Peter Jarčuška negotiated with the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Lengvarský
The meeting of the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Lengvarský and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Sl

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (Slovakia) The Dean appreciated the excellent students
Twenty-four excellent students of the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ, including outstanding medical students studying in the English language, rec

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (Slovakia) Matriculation ceremony
The Matriculation ceremony of the 1st year students of all FM UPJŠ study programs took place at the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Medicine,

Comenius University (Slovakia) Student associations receive funding for their activities
Bratislava, 5 December 2022: The student associations at Comenius University Bratislava will share 25,000 euros this year. Students could apply for gr

Comenius University (Slovakia) Saint Nicholas, Old Man Frost, or Santa Claus? To each their own
Just before Christmas and at Christmastime, the situation in Slovak households sometimes becomes bizarre. A plastic Santa Claus hangs from the balcony

Slovakia (Comenius University) University of Bern joins the enlight alliance, which also includes Comenius University
Bern, Brussels, Bratislava, 6 December 2022: This year, Swiss universities can participate in European University alliances as “associated partners” f