Egypt (British University in Egypt) Entrepreneurship seminar and meeting with Dr. Alaa Youssef

Faculty of Pharmacy, BUE had the honour to have Dr Alaa Youssef on its premises on Monday 07/11/2022.
Dr Alaa Youssef is the Founder & CEO of JEEVAN and a former Lecturer assistant at the faculty of Pharmacy at Heliopolis University.
The centre of drug research and development (CDRD) and the committee on career support and entrepreneurship (CCSE) organized this event.
During her visit, Dr Alaa delivered a talk titled “How to convert your idea into a real business – Bootstrapping Entrepreneurship” to the senior students as well as the staff members. Followed by that a lunch meeting was carried out between the Dean – Prof. Mohey Elmazar, Dr Alaa and a number of senior students and staff members where more fruitful discussions were made about entrepreneurship and how to start a business.