Madagascar (University of Toamasina) EMIT Et Ses Clubs Posted On May 14, 2022

The EMIT or School of Management and Technological Innovation is a Grande Ecole within the University of Fianarantsoa. At the heart of development and technology, and based on the LMD system, it offers a Bachelor’s and Master’s cycle, with three specializations including Management, Public Relations and Multimedia, and Computer Science.
In 2019, EMIT celebrated its 20th anniversary . The small continuous training center it was in 1999 with its ten students, evolved little by little and became a university center for professional training or CUFP in 2005. Renowned and recognized for its ability to open up in the world and to give these students high-level training, it quickly developed and became a major school in 2016 with more than 1,500 students.
Always with its great vision of training citizens who will ensure the development of the country, the School aims to train active technocrats through the creation of support organizations for students in their branch of training such as EMITECH or EMIT Mianatra Technology , the provision to them of an “EMIT Studio” to facilitate their implementation. Without forgetting various support centers such as the Entrepreneurial Incubation Unit or UIE-EMIT, IGMA…
EMITECH is a student support organization founded in June 2019, in order to develop and give access to EMIT students to national competitions, according to the interests that the latter have shown for these competitions previously. Since the objective of this organization is to improve the technology skills of these students through sharing. Thanks to her, the EMIT therefore has several prizes on its list, including:
3rd place during the Hackathon DevFest 2019, event organized by Google Developer Group Antananarivo;
June 2019: 2nd place at the National Web Cup Competition organized by Webcup Madagascar
March 2019: 1st place at the inter-university Hackathon organized by Orange Madagascar with the “Hi-Tady” project
December 2018: 1st place at the Global Startup Weekend AI Antananarivo 2018, organized by TechStar Madagascar.
July 2018: 1st prize in the “expert” category and 2nd prize for the “student” category during the web hackathon organized by Orange Madagascar.
The UIE-EMIT aims to promote and develop the entrepreneurial spirit of students as well as the supervision of their project in order to ensure that they acquire experience and success. This by focusing on three well-defined areas including research, project implementation and training. For its launch, the UIE-EMIT is focusing on a few specific areas including: the environment and sustainable development, digital innovation, sport and leisure, social and economic security, and finally Malagasy culture and art.
As for the EMIT Studio, it was set up to help young students of this school to develop their skills and their talent. To do this, the school has made available to this sign all the equipment necessary for the manipulation of sound, image and video which are at the cutting edge of current technology. And on top of that, it also has specialist trainers in this field who accompany them. Without forgetting that a group which lives from their talent in singing also developed there in parallel, including the EMIKA or the EMIT Miangaly ny Kanto.
But apart from the intellectual, the school also educates spiritually, hence the advancement of an “EMIT Mikalo Fiderana” or EMIFI choir bringing together young lay Christians, studying within the school. It is therefore a group whose mission is to spread the gospel in song, while using modern and up-to-date modes of communication at the moment. With the goal of reaching as many people as possible, to spread hope and faith, and also cultivate and strengthen them, in the hearts of all who hear their song or watch their music videos.
At the moment, EMIFI is composed of more than 70 members since its creation on June 19, 2018. Since then, this group which works for evangelization has already released two albums, the first release on July 14, 2019 is titled “Tsara loatra”, and the second “Mahatsiaro Sambatsa” was released on December 20, 2020. Very active in their mission to evangelize, EMIFI works in collaboration with all Christian churches without exception, as well as evangelical groups; and this does not matter the time and place, given that she has already performed Galas in several places outside Fianarantsoa including: Antanifotsy Antsirabe, Anmbositra, and Ambalavao.
Being a school in full expansion and full of dynamism, the EMIT does not neglect the sporting side for these young students. In this structure, precisely, it has four categories of collective sport for the two genres including: EMIBA or EMIT Milalao BasketBall, EMIKI or EMIT Milalao FootBall, EMIVO or EMIT milalao VolleyBall and EMIHA or EMIT Milalao Hand . Without forgetting also the dance club “EMIDANCE”
In this category too, EMIT does not forget to prove to what extent it ensures in all that it undertakes for the development of the skills of these young students. A fact that can be seen thanks to the various championships won and won by these teams, including among many others:
As its name suggests, the EMIBA brings together all those who are passionate about basketball within the school. More than a group and a passion, basketball brings together these young people to help them, in addition to living from their passion, to also develop their sportsmanship which does not allow itself to be defeated in the face of challenges and obstacles, while working in a group and pride. Listening and respect between members therefore promote the strengthening of each person’s personality.
Champion team, in both genders, for the ROFIA Cup in 2018-2019, second place during the 40th anniversary championship of the University of Fianarantsoa, Girl Champion Team 3*3 during the milk fair at the Fianarantsoa Gymnasium….
Like the EMIBA, this club brings together those who are football fans, while training them in their passion and guiding them as well.
It is already a champion team, for the male gender, during the ROFIA Cup 2018-2019
For the latter, those who are passionate about volleyball meet there to live from their passion and also to train among themselves. As participation in tournaments outside the school, the men’s team took second place during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the University of Fianarantsoa.
In the beginning, EMIDANCE was just a simple dance club created on the basis of a sharing session within the School of Management and Technological Innovation, with the aim of entertaining students. At that time, only the couple’s dance (ballroom dance) was danced there. It was just like a hobby for some and training for others; but over the years, the club has set a goal: to participate in the personal development of students within the school. An objective which, through dance, aims to make them creative, ambitious, supportive, united, daring, etc. Today, with the same objective and always as a basis a sharing session, all kinds of dance are added to the discipline such as urban, afro, tropical, traditional as well as any other as long as there is someone who masters it. Currently, the club has a total of 50 members.
Motivated and innovative, she accompanies her students in the realization of their dream by setting up several startups such as ITDC, M’RAY GEEK, Be-Miray, MaroLook…
ITDC-Mada, or Information Technology & Development Consulting Madagascar, is a limited liability company based in Fianarantsoa, specializing in digital support for companies in the field of mobile, web and desktop application development. It is the reference of Geomatics in Madagascar. It therefore offers the development of web applications and websites, the development of mobile applications and also everything related to geomatics. Without forgetting the fact that on its own account, it already has several achievements, some of which are: the development of the EMIT website, the establishment of a multipoint of view platform for scientists in the world, in collaboration with CIRAD, FAO and Cifor… To do this, ITDC-Mada was able to collaborate and be partners of several well-known brands such as CIRAD, Tsaradia,
MIRAY GEEK is also an EMIT startup IT company, created in 2019, which carries out all types of IT and multimedia projects. Its activity is based mainly in freelance, creation and project incubation.
Among their skills, the MIRAY GEEK team therefore offers the following services: the creation of a website, the creation of computer software and a mobile application, 3D modeling and 360° photography. This is a team that is highly motivated for any production leading to digitization; and thanks to their activities, she always wants to do better to ensure the development of an organization that also helps to develop the country .
MAROLOOK, for its part, is a group created on March 07, 2019, and which was formalized on February 12, 2021. It offers and offers all services related to photography, videography, computer graphics, web master and 3D . As a realization for its Portfolio, the MAROLOOK group has produced the clips for the second album of the EMIT choir Mikalo Fiderana, clips for individuals such as IDEAL for its title Tsy agnampody, and Finaritra for its hit “Dinam-pokonolo”. He has also already carried out the development of the Mada Découverte website, the ANJARMI group, the Diego Suarez village, AGID Diego and others.