UK (University of the Arts London) Launching our Climate Action Plan and committing to systemic change

A commitment to climate justice at UAL requires cultural, operational, strategic and academic change at every level of the University. The plan has 4 intersecting strands of action:
- We will change the way we teach.
So that our students and graduates have the abilities and agency to imagine and create a better world. - We will change the way we research and collaborate with industry and society. To catalyse change through our knowledge and creative insight.
- We will change the way we operate.
To decarbonise within a just share of the global carbon budget. - We will change the way we work together. To ecologically reimagine our university from the inside out and use our voice to advocate for change.
This version articulates the broader context of these actions, through case studies and opinion pieces. We present the plan as a work in progress. It sets out principles, commitments and goals which the University has committed to in the short and long term. This includes our commitment to achieve net zero by 2030 across scope 1 and 2 emissions and net zero total emissions by 2040. As well as our commitment to embed climate, social and racial justice principles into all our courses by 2025.
This means ecologically rethinking the University and co-creating a climate justice movement through which all students and staff can take action. It has always been the task of creative people to negotiate uncertainty and imagine new possibilities. These capabilities are needed at the heart of any response to climate and biodiversity breakdown. It is our role to develop these transformative capabilities to create a better future.