Oman (University of Technology and Applied Sciences) Achievement of the Engineering Department Staff

On 15/09/2022(Thursday) UTAS- Muscat signed an agreement with Oman Water and Wastewater Service Company (OWWSC), Diam, Haya. The agreement was signed for the project entitled “A Pre-treatment of the Mixed Wastewater by Using Electro-Coagulation Technique: Process Optimization and Removal of Membrane Fouling Precursors” with Leader Dr. Abdul Rahim Al Umairi, UTAS-Muscat /Engineering (CAE) with Investigators Dr. Wafaa Al Rawahi, UTAS-Muscat/Applied Sciences and Dr. Yahya Al Shamsi, UTAS-Muscat/Engineering. The project will be sponsored by OWWSC with an estimated cost of 18,500 OMR for 1 Year.