Canada (University of Montreal) Towards a ‘robust, reasoning and responsible’ AI

Created in 2016, the Canadian artificial-intelligence research and transfer institute IVADO is on the cusp of an exciting paradigm shift with a new project focused on what it sees as the three essential ‘R’s’ of AI as it moves forward: that it be “robust, reasoning and responsible.”
With IVADO in the lead, Université de Montréal submitted a grant proposal on Aug. 31 to the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), in collaboration with its institutional partners HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, Université Laval, and McGill University.
Against this backdrop, we spoke with IVADO’s CEO, former UdeM rector and current Aisenstadt physics professor Luc Vinet, to take stock of the institute’s new direction towards what it calls R3AI, a little more than a year after he took office.