University of Lubumbashi (DRC) Review Their Action Plan With The Support Of JICA
Pr Assumani Nsimbo, Director of the University Clinics of Lubumbashi, led to Pr Gilbert Kishiba Fitula, Rector of the University of Lubumbashi, a (strong) delegation composed of representatives of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), the General Secretariat of Health and the Provincial Division of Health (Haut-Katanga), this Monday, October 24, 2022. With the support of JICA, the University Clinics will have to review their action plan and start a (new) Project of Hospital Establishment (PEH).
The Rector of the University of Lubumbashi was delighted with the project to modernize the Clinics with regard to their mission and their strategic position in the city and in the former Katanga. While wishing a pleasant stay in Lubumbashi to his guests, the Rector promised to personally monitor the implementation of this PEH. Mrs. Asari Ryoko, Director of Programs, promised to work closely with university clinics in identifying priorities and jointly determining the levels of intervention and support from JICA.
It should be remembered that the PEH is presented both as a management tool and instrument at three levels, namely change, strategic planning and development.
Unilu Communication Service