University of Lubumbashi (DRC) General Etienne Mbunsu Bindu Received By Pr Jean-Marie Dikanga.

Professor Jean-Marie Dikanga Kazadi, Academic Secretary General and Rector ad Interim of the University of Lubumbashi, granted an audience on Wednesday, November 09, 2022 to the Deputy Commander of the 2th FARDC Defence Zone in charge of Intelligence. Major General Mbunsu Bindu Etienne came to present civilities to the authority of the University of Lubumbashi.
PhD student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Kinshasa, the Commander Second in charge of intelligence of the 2th Zone de Défense has expressed its intention to get closer to Unilu in its doctoral research on the reform of the Armed Forces of the DRC. The Academic Secretary General responded favorably to the request and the approach of the Major General and promised him the requested support. Professor Jean-Marie Dikanga was delighted to see FADRC executives investing in training up to the doctoral level.
It should be noted, in passing, that this audience took place in the presence of the Secretary General in charge of Research, Pr Gilbert Malemba Nsakila, Professor Narcisse Kalenga, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Rector, Dr. Martial Kakudji and the Director of Security, Mr. Serugendo.