DRC (University of Lubumbashi) E-Commerce In Lubumbashi Analyzed By Ct Ntumba Tshimanga

E-commerce in Lubumbashi, where are we? is it a question of use or appropriation? what are the recurring practices? what opportunities does it offer? … And above all, what is the place and the contribution of languages in these commercial activities?
These are the questions addressed in the thesis of the Head of Works Jeff Ntumba of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSH).
The linguistic and economic aspects of e-commerce in Lubumbashi: issues, challenges and prospects is the subject of this major dissertation, the public defense of which took place on Saturday August 27, 2022 in the I amphitheatre, FLSH.
This thesis, located at the crossroads of three disciplines, namely the sciences of language, economics and linguistics, focuses on the use of information and communication technologies in the uses and practices in Lubumbashi to make profitable within the companies but also of their users by proposing avenues so that users and organizational structures can appropriate them, adapt them and use them wisely.
After a long discussion between the Head of Works Tshimanga Ntumba Joseph Jeff and the members of the jury, the doctoral student obtained the mention great distinction at the end of his examination. He was therefore declared a Doctor of Languages and Business by the Administrative Secretary General of the University of Lubumbashi, Professor Kalenga Kalamo Hortense, President of the session.
It should be noted that this thesis has a historical character: it marks the beginning of the story of all the Doctors in Languages and Business of the Democratic Republic of Congo because it is the very first defended in this field.