UK (University of Gloucestershire) Students win awards in national competition showcasing next generation of press photographers

University of Gloucestershire students have won both prizes on offer in a new competition run by the British Press Photographers Association (BPPA) showcasing the work of the next generation of photography talent.
Eddie Chalmers and Marcin Riehns – both studying for a degree in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at the University – took first prize and the Highly Commended award respectively in the BPPA’s Associate Members Competition.
As part of his winner’s prize, Eddie gained valuable experience on a two-day trip in London being mentored by award-winning photographer Dan Kitwood, from the world-renowned Getty Images.
Working alongside and being guided by Dan, Eddie photographed the highly anticipated unveiling of the Christmas window displays at the world-famous Hamley’s toy store on Regent Street.
Eddie, who was shown how to file his images by Dan like a real press photographer, was loaned camera and lens equipment by global giant Canon and all his travel and hotel expenses were covered by the BPPA.
Paul Roberts, Academic Course Leader for Photojournalism and Documentary Photography within the School of Arts at the University, said: “Many congratulations to Eddie for taking first prize and to Marcin for being Highly Commended in the BPPA’s competition for associate members.
“Eddie and Marcin should both be immensely proud of their work and we look forward to seeing their careers take shape from here.
“We’re delighted that our Photojournalism and Documentary Photography courses gives students with access to the BPPA as an associate member, as the new competition is a fantastic initiative and provides our students with a great opportunity to showcase their work.”