UK (University of Buckingham) Remembering Queen Elizabeth II

The University of Buckingham is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. We look back with fondness on her visit to us in 1996. “Grief is the price we pay for Love”.
Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Buckingham, where we had the honour of hosting Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh, was one of great significance and honour for the university.
After greetings from the University’s Chancellor of the time, Baroness Thatcher, Her Majesty the Queen ceremoniously opened our very own Anthony de Rothschild building, along with the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate its construction and opening. As she and the Royal Party strolled through the campus and lawns, Her Majesty took the time to speak to staff and our students from around the world, before visiting the Vice-Chancellor’s residence for lunch.
The University of Buckingham remains, to this day, especially honoured to have been awarded with the Royal Charter by The Queen in 1983.
In memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 1926 – 2022.