Chile (Universidad del Desarrollo) Faculty of Law signs agreement with Court of Appeals of Concepción
The agreement seeks that the students of the career can learn about the jurisdictional activity carried out by the penquista court of second instance.
The Faculty of Law of the Universidad del Desarrollo and the Court of Appeals of Concepción signed an agreement so that the students of the career carry out internships in the dependencies of this organization, in order to strengthen the learning of future lawyers.
Students will be able to learn in the field the way of work that is carried out in this type of court, such as the processing of cases, allegations, among others. Likewise, this collaboration agreement will allow the generation of different spaces for learning, reflection and exchange of experiences and good practices, through institutional academic and judicial events.
The dean of the Faculty of Law, Gonzalo Rioseco, expressed that this agreement “will contribute a lot to the learning process of the students. This is a good way of early labor insertion, because they will find out in a Court of Appeals in Concepción, which is a very good court at the national level, how the second instance works in Chile”.
The president of the Court of Appeals of Concepción, Fabio Jordán, referred to the signed agreement and stated that “we are very happy to have entered into the agreement with the Universidad del Desarrollo, because it will allow students to find out how the Internal of a Court of Appeals. They will be able to access the operation of the different units, see the operation in the room, and how we, the ministers, work, receiving the allegations or deliberating.