Bahrain (Royal University for Women) Royal University for Women and West Virginia University Organise Restructuring the Future of Fashion

The Royal University for Women in collaboration with its strategic international partner, West Virginia University in the United States, have worked on a collaborative project for fashion design titled “Restructuring the Future of Fashion” under the patronage of the first lady of West Virginia University Mrs Laurie Erickson.
The aim of this project was to highlight the transformation of fashion design in the digital age by hosting a digital fashion showcase. Designs in the fashion show were the outcome of student projects at RUW and WVU – Fashion, Dress, & Merchandising Departments. RUW students showcased their skills in designing the contemporary version of traditional costumes and styling it along with traditional accessories. The students also expressed their pride in participating in such a successful event which witnessed more than 1000 viewers.
Ms Erickson stated that she had the privilege to visit the RUW campus in Bahrain several times where she witnessed the students’ vibrant creations and envisioned this project between WVU and RUW to provide the students with the opportunity to share their creations and to have fun while seeing different fashion perspectives. She added that “COVID-19 has shaped our collaboration, showing more clearly how technology can transform our lives and forge connections and I would like to thank the Royal University for Women for helping to bring this show alive”.
Ms Yara Al-Khan, RUW alumna and a current College Liaison Officer working at RUW highlighted her journey in studying Fashion Design through this collaborative project. She said that “I chose to study at RUW as it was the best university option for me, especially that the certificate is accredited and recognised regionally and internationally “. She added that “to me, fashion is not only how to dress, but it represents me as a person. It’s where your creativity and personality can be shown through one garment and being passionate for the major I chose really prepared me in the university as well as my own career to establish my own online clothing business”.
It is worth noting that RUW is the only university in the kingdom of Bahrain that offers a programme in fashion design under the College of Art and Design which is accredited locally and internationally along with the other degrees offered at the college.