Egypt (Mansoura University) The Opening of “The Employment Forum 2022” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University

Today on Sunday 30th October 2022, Prof. Mahmoud Mohamed ElMeligy- Charge d’ Affaires of Mansoura University Presidency opened the events of “The Employment Forum 2022” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University.
The attendees were: Prof. Maha Abdo Mohamed Abdo ElAshmawy-Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Mohamed Gabr ElSayed Gabr- Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, the former deans and vice-deans of the Faculty, heads of the departments and the faculty members.
There are 18 companies from veterinary medicine sectors that participated in the event as well as a number of organizations such as: Veterinary Medicine Directorate, Animal Protection Organization, The General Syndicate of Veterinaries, Reference Laboratory For Veterinary Quality Control On Poultry Production, and Animal Protection Organization at Damietta Port.
Prof. Maha Abdo, Dean of the Faculty confirmed that the forum aimed at preparing and qualifying the graduate for the labour market and linking the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Mansoura university to the labor market in order to prepare a graduate who is able to cope with the labor needs. Besides, the forum aimed at opening job opportunities that are suitable for the graduates.0
Prof. Mohamed Gabr- Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Community Service stated that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was keen on signing agreements with a number of companies and factories. The aim of these agreements was to train the graduates and facilitate receiving distinguished job opportunities for them. In addition to, these agreements aimed at opening the chance for the students, especially in final grades as well as the fresh graduates to look for the needs of the labour market. The Faculty was working on developing the different skills of the students to qualify them to cope with the labour market, and benefiting from experiences of the previous graduates who achieved remarkable successes.
In addition to, the Faculty created a database of Alumni in cooperation with the participant companies and organizations in the forum. This cooperation among the participant companies and organizations in the forum with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University aimed at providing job opportunities for the graduates. Thus, it helped create training programs for the last year students as well as fresh graduates of veterinaries in order to qualify them to obtain the required skills for the labour market. In addition to, the forum helped encourage the students and graduates to participate in the activities of the event, offered by the participant companies and organizations in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura university.
A number of meetings were held with elite graduates of the Faculty who were appointed at leading positions inside international companies and organizations in the field of veterinary medicine.