Japan (Kyushu University) KU VISION PITCH 2022: Research Pitch Contest for students and young researchers

As part of Kyushu University’s 111th-anniversary event, “VISION EXPO,” a research pitch contest (KU VISION PITCH 2022) for students and young researchers was held at ACROS Fukuoka on Saturday, October 1.
In this contest, participants passionately present their research in three short minutes. In July, we called for participation from Kyushu U students and young researchers and received 40 applications. On the contest day, 11 students who had passed the preliminary screening gave presentations, which were judged by six guests from inside and outside the university. The judges, including Mr. Shuhei Morofuji, Founder & CEO of Reapra Pte. Ltd., judged the proposals on the basis of two criteria: whether they appropriately presented their research plans and answered questions and whether those research projects would significantly impact society if realized. The top three winners from the Doctoral Program/Postdoctoral Fellow Program Division and the Undergraduate/Master’s Program Division received awards and cash prizes.