International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan) The students of the academy received a grant from the Sultanate of Oman

In recent years, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan is taking heed to the training cadres at the international level, combining modern knowledge with centuries-old traditions, educating students as qualified specialists in their field.
On this point, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan is establishing partnerships with many prestigious foreign universities and scientific-research centers. Therefore, the exchange of students, young researchers, professors and teachers between the Academy and foreign educational institutions has become regular.
Zealous and talented students of the Academy Asad Azamov, Abdullo Bakhtiyorov, Otabek Ikrombekov, Saidsulton Saidov will take part in Arabic language classes, which will last from January 23 to March 17 this year. They will improve their knowledge and skills and study classical and modern Arabic language.
On this matter, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan wishes good luck to the students during their travel.
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
Press service