Australia (Griffith University) Griffith MBA Champion of Values-led Education

Griffith University’s Masters of Business Administration (MBA) triumphs again at first place overall in Corporate Knights 2022 Better World MBA ranking for the third consecutive year, ranking above the most distinguished programs in the world.
Corporate Knights CEO, Toby Heaps congratulated Griffith MBA for the number one overall position saying 160 MBA programs were evaluated worldwide.
“Corporate Knights recognises the Griffith MBA program as one of the best in the world instilling holistic purpose in leaders, ensuring they have the skills, tools and values to build a more inclusive, healthier economy that’s beneficial to society and in harmony with the natural world,” Mr Heaps said.
Evidence of Alumni Impact has been added to the categories for the first time, allowing Griffith success stories to speak volumes about the potential of Griffith graduates to build a better world.
“I grew up in a tiny town in rural Australia enjoying a close connection to nature and chose Griffith because it is an MBA with a heart, with a focus on sustainability which is something I am personally passionate about,” said Griffith MBA Alumni, Jennifer Cheung.
“As humans, we have a significant impact on the well being of the world around us.
“It’s important to me that we leave the world, if not better, then at least not more damaged than how we received it.”
Ms Cheung paved the way for an executive role drawing upon her Griffith MBA to provide an outcomes-based approach to measuring financial investment in sustainability.
“After completing the Griffith MBA Program, I felt definitive about the positive change I could make in the world,” she said.
“Businesses are expected to demonstrate their social and environmental impact, as well as their financial performance and accordingly, organisations are now seeking well-rounded, values-focused people.”
Annual global ranking conducted by Corporate Knights, a global sustainable economy media and investment research firm, evaluates MBA sustainability performance and uses an unparalleled, comprehensive methodology to discover a holistic picture of the MBA Program.
Griffith MBA Director Associate Professor Stephanie Schleimer said Griffith is so proud to be recognised for the third consecutive year as leaders in sustainable, responsible business education.
“The 17 Sustainable Development Goals have been stitched into the fabric of our program, our teaching practice, and our research outputs, and we continually review and refresh our courses to reflect these values in meaningful ways – It’s a constantly evolving process,” Associate Professor Schleimer said.
“Our curriculum centres on preparing for a different way of creating and sustaining innovative businesses where our students and alumni lead through values of social justice, inclusion, equity and a world-leading focus on sustainability.”