Guinea (Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry) The Student Collective office organizes panels on “Citizenship and the model of success”
The new office of the Student Collective of Gamal Abdel Nasser University in Conakry organized a two-day panel on ” Citizenship and the model of success ” in the institution’s village hall. This great meeting of exchanges and sharing of experiences between senior executives of the Guinean Public Administration and students of the Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, was closed on Thursday, April 14, 2022, in the presence of the university authorities. , at their head, Mr. Rector, Dr. Alpha Kabinet KEITA and the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Mr. Thierno Hamidou BAH.
In his speech, the President of the Collective of UGANC Students, Mr. Sidiki KABA, spoke in these terms: ” These days of sharing with us, the students on your journey, are an opportune opportunity to offer us students, future executives , sources of inspiration and references, but also a powerful awareness-raising tool to limit or even ban illegal immigration and show that we can succeed here in Guinea because, for there to be change and sustainable development in our country, you need good leadership and moral support from the future generation. »
During these two days of meeting, the guests chosen for their performance and their success in their respective fields, this is the case of Mr Youssouf Saran DONZO, National Director of Youth Employment, Dr Mamoudou TOURE, Head of the Department of Physics , Mr. Siaka BARRY and Mrs. Fatou BALDE YANSANE, allowed hundreds of students to understand concepts such as ” Citizenship ” and “success”, and what is needed to achieve this .
During his speech, Mr. Rector of UGANC, Dr. Alpha Kabinet KEITA welcomed the initiative of the students. “I appreciate this kind of initiative. I think it’s important for students to be able to come together around this kind of theme, Citizenship, and for them to want to be inspired by the paths of certain people to make them want to move forward and achieve the objectives. that they settle in life. It’s always good to be inspired in what you do, whether it’s in writing, art, you have to be inspired,” said the Rector.
As a panelist, the National Director of Youth Employment invited students to become role models in order to cultivate acceptance among all citizens. “Prevention is better than cure. By this I mean that it is better to cultivate the notion of living together to avoid conflicts. But if there is a conflict, you must first know who are the people involved and what is at stake in order to be able to think of a solution”, underlined Mr. Youssouf Saran DONZO.
Like his predecessor, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Chief of Staff, Mr. Thierno Hamidou BAH suggests that students be well planned. “Whatever objective you have, you need a small organization, because man must be organized to achieve his ends. To be able to reach your goal, alone, you will not succeed, man needs what is called a network. So cultivate your network, never neglect your promotion. Having a good degree will not make us a good leader. Cultivate your person” indicates Mr. Thierno Hamidou BAH.
The head of the Department of Physics at Gamal Abdel Nasser University in Conakry, Dr. Mamoudou TOURE, believes that love for one’s country is the secret of success. “The path to success is that you must love Guinea more than yourself . “