Guinea (Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry) Cooperation: CERFIG and three French research institutions sign an agreement to create the PRISME platform in Guinea!

On this great occasion, the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation was represented by the Secretary General, Dr Facinet Conté in the presence of all the senior officials of the Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, at its head, in addition to the Rector, the Vice-Rector in charge of studies, Dr Mohamed Ansoumane Camara, the Vice-Rector in charge of research, Dr Mariama Béavogui, the Secretary General, Dr Oumou Kourouma, the Vice-Deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, in particular.
In her speech, the Chairman and CEO of the IRD, Ms. Valérie Verdier: “ We have come to meet our partners to express our full support for the creation of this wonderful project. This platform must be as open as possible both in Guinea but also which must radiate on the African continent, ” she said.
Then it was the turn of the Chairman and CEO of Inserm, Mr Gilles Bloch: ” I am particularly very happy to take part in the establishment of this platform which will help Guinea in the fight against emerging infectious diseases, ” he said.
“ Since 2015, the collaboration between CERFIG and Inserm has been able to set up an operational, multidisciplinary research and monitoring structure to improve national preparedness and response to any emerging disease. Today, CERFIG has the opportunity to become a reference center at national and regional level, ” said Yazdan Yazdanpanah of the IRD.
For his part, Professor Abdoulaye Touré of CERFIG will indicate that: “It is a renewable 6-year agreement which will allow us to meet regularly and make updates. The advantage is that we are on the agenda of these big French institutions. Guinea is now one of the priorities in the field of training and research on emerging diseases or diseases with epidemic potential in France. The platform will make it possible to focus or direct high-level international skills, in particular those of ANRS, Inserm and IRD around Guinea, and in particular around CERFIG and the Faculty of Science and Technology. of Health.
In his speech for the occasion, the Secretary General of the MESRSI, Dr. Facinet Touré, representative of the Minister, will say that: “We want this memorandum of understanding. It must be part of the sustainability dynamic for a fair and ethical partnership. With its policy of openness, the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation undertakes to spare no effort to promote the emergence of initiatives aimed at qualifying our system of education and research “.
This speech by the Secretary General was followed by the signing of the PRISME protocol between the four major research institutions.
The meeting ended with a guided tour of the facilities of the Center for Research and Training in Infectiology of Guinea (CERFIG)
It should be remembered that well before this signing of the partnership agreement, the General Management of the Center for Research and Training in Infectiology of Guinea (CERFIG) organized a guided tour of the center’s facilities for its partners.