Nigeria (Ebonyi State University) 3-D commission regional launch: Africa

he African Institute for Health Policy and Health Systems, Ebonyi State University is partnering with the 3-D commission towards the regional launch of it’s report on social determinants of health in Africa. The Director of the Institute, Distinguished Prof Jesse Uneke will be one of the panelists for this high-powered and interesting continental event!
This regional launch of the 3-D Commission report in Africa holding on 1st October 2021 will feature experts discussing the region-specific challenges to, and opportunities for, achieving the 3-D “ideal”, where data on the social determinants of health are utilized in decision-making and policies are implemented that contribute to the achievement of health equity. Following the panel discussion, all in attendance will be able to interact and ask questions.
Date of the event: 1st October 2021
Time: 8:00-9:00am EST (13:00-14:00pm Nigerian time)
Venue: REGISTER with link👇: