Botswana (University of Botswana) SOLTRAIN+ Trains Industry on Energy Audit/Assessment & Design of Solar Systems

SOLTRAIN+, the new phase of the Southern African Solar Thermal Training and Demonstration Initiative held a training workshop for the industry and academia on energy efficiency measures and design of thermal energy systems.
The training, which was held May 29 – June 2, 2023, attracted participants from different companies and organisations including North Atlantic Consultancy, Capricon Solar, Hydrocon Green, CET Consultancy, Bokamoso Hospital, Westhood Agencies, Solar One, So Solar, BITRI, Emporium Legacy, some UB staff/students and others.
In his welcome remarks, Prof Oboetswe Motsamai – Director, Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC), thanked the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for funding this project and the benefits that had been derived thereof in terms of capacity development and advocacy for renewable energy.
Responding, SOLTRAIN+ international coordinator and facilitator for Energy Audit workshop, Mr Wolfgang Gruber-Glatzl, expressed gratitude for the work that CERC conducted in the previous phases of the project and solicited support in accomplishing the new phase of the project. He was accompanied by Mr Rudolf Moschik, who facilitated the workshop on design of solar systems.
Earlier in his speech, Prof Kevin Nwaigwe, SOLTRAIN+ Coordinator for Botswana, welcomed the visiting team from Austria, including the participants to the course. More than 40 experts and engineers took part in the workshops. A highlight of the workshop included a visit to the solar water heating systems installed at SOS Village, Tlokweng, co-funded by SOLTRAIN.