Bahrain (Applied Science University) Applied Science University participates in the Higher Education Jobs Fair in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Applied Science University (ASU) participated in the Higher Education and Career Fair 2022 (HECF), which was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 25-26 March 2022, with the participation of a large number of Arab universities. ASU was represented by Mrs. Ruqaya Mohsen, Director of Marketing & PR, Mr. Noel Lavin, Director of Foundation and English Delivery Services and Acting Office Manager of International Partnerships, and Mr. Kumail Al Lawati, an academic staff member in the Department of Computer Science.
The University booth enjoyed a massive turnout by visitors interested in learning about the University, its programmes, the scholarships and discounts it offers to students, and how its offerings meet the demand of the job market locally and internationally, namely thanks to it academic partnership with British universities to offer distinguished academic programs.
The University representatives were present at the booth to give the visitors more details about the various programs offered by ASU and the financial aid and payment facilities at their disposal, in addition to the remarkable student experience they can expect at the state-of-the-art campus equipped with the latest technologies and facilities to provide a unique educational experience for the students.
The attendees who visited ASU’s pavilion also had the chance to learn about the University’s achievements at local, Arab and international levels, especially with regard to international rankings of universities, as ASU has been ranking consistently high among both Arab and International universities, which confirms its academic rigor and the quality of its educational offerings and standards.
In this context, Mrs. Ruqaya Mohsen, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, explained that the University is keen to participate in exhibitions inside and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain to inform the public about the programs and specializations it offers, and the participation in the Higher Education and Career Fair 2022 (HECF) confirms the University’s commitment to helping school students make informed decisions about their future studies and careers.
She also noted that the exhibition provided visitors with the chance to learn more about the University’s activities, events and community engagement contributions, stressing the fact that ASU is always keen to participate in local and international exhibitions to meet with potential students and stakeholders and explain to highlight the bright image and great progress of higher education in the Kingdom of Bahrain under its wise and inspired leadership. She concluded by stating that ASU has been consistently growing and evolving in the past few years to quickly become one the top private universities in Bahrain and the region and she can’t wait to see more students from Saudi Arabia and other countries join the University.