Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University) A Standing Committee from the House Converses with Part of AAU Community

A Standing Committee on Human Resource Development, Employment and Technology Affairs of the House of People’s Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), held a discussion with a number of Addis Ababa University (AAU) teachers and researchers at the Main Campus, Sidist Kilo, on November 11, 2022.
Negeri Lencho (PhD), Chairperson of the Standing Committee, in his opening remark said that the Committee will cooperate with the University leadership to find solutions if there are any problems impeding the academic freedom in the teaching and learning process.
The Chairperson added that the purpose of the Standing Committee’s coming to AAU was to have an important and meaningful discussion and find solutions cooperatively by raising issues related to the teaching-learning activities, teachers and researchers as well.
According to Dr. Negeri, the Committee will inform to relevant government bodies to support the quality of higher education activities with new technologies as well as to fulfil the requirements of teachers and researchers as much as possible, closely working with the top management of the University.
Keyredin Tezera (PhD), Deputy Chairperson of the Standing Committee, said on his part that, during the four days of working visit, the Committee was there to evaluate the teaching and the research activities in the University as well as the community engagement duties at hand.
The Deputy Chairperson added that Addis Ababa University, in particular, has got special attention from the government and works have been already started to make it an autonomous university in the near future.
As to make a significant contribution to the country, Dr. Keyredin said, the Committee was there to cross check whether teachers of the university are producing productive and bright-minded young researcher graduates and how many problem-solving research findings are being published by the intellectuals in international journals.