Dr. Raúl Hinjosa-Ojeda is an Associate Professor in the UCLA Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies. Born in Mexico and raised in Chicago, he received a B.A. (Economics), M.A. (Anthropology) and Ph.D. (Political Science) at the University of Chicago. He is the author of numerous articles and books on the political economy of regional integrations in various parts of the world, including trade, investment and migration relations between the U.S., Mexico, Latin American and the Pacific Rim. He is co-author of Latinos in a Changing U.S. Economy: Comparative Perspectives on the U.S. Labor Market Since 1939 (New York: IUP/CUNY, 1991) and co-editor of Labor Market Interdependence between the United States and Mexico (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992). He has recently completed a book on the political economy of U.S.-Latin American relations in the late twentieth century including the impact of a potential Free Trade of the Americas Agreement (Convergence and Divergence between NAFTA, Chile, and MERCOSUR: Overcoming Dilemmas of North and South American Economic Integration).
University of California, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, California 90095, United States