Category: New South Wales

Nov 15
Australia (University of New South Wales) What mateship? Amid COVID-19, Australians loved dobbing in their neighbours

We might like to pride ourselves on being a country of mateship and an almost larrikin…

Nov 15
Australia (University of New South Wales) UNSW Medicine & Health claims third Rhodes Scholar in three years

UNSW Medicine & Health alumna Dr Sarah Haynes has been announced as the NSW Rhodes…

Nov 15
Australia (University of New South Wales) Dam safety: study indicates probable maximum flood events will significantly increase over next 80 years

工程师用来帮助他们设计大型水坝和核电站等关键基础设施的降雨模型需要更新,以考虑到气候变化。 这是发表在《水资源研究》(Water Resources…